The public is urged to watch the livestream of the meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 8 PM. Anyone wishing to make a public comment may do so by attending the meeting (which is not preferred), by participating virtually (in which case audio will be enabled during the public comment period), or by submitting a written statement that will be read aloud during the meeting. Contact Polly Digon, board secretary, or 717-436-2111, x5002, with questions.
Topic: Juniata County School District's Public Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 20, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 941 8098 4562
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JCSD Families,
On Monday afternoon, the district received guidance from the PA Department of Health and the PA Department of Education requiring students and staff to wear masks during the school day. This new guidance requires the wearing of masks even when six feet of social distancing can be achieved and will remain in effect until further notice. There will only be limited opportunities for students to remove their masks during the day including lunch and scheduled face coving breaks lasting no more than ten minutes per break. This latest adjustment is in response to information released from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The district will be evaluating the guidance and more information will be discussed at the upcoming board meeting.
The Juniata County School Board of Directors voted last night to adjust the calendar for the upcoming school year. The first day for students was moved from August 26th to September 8th. The adjusted calendar will be available on the district website.
We will continue to inform you as information becomes available. We would like to thank each of you for your patience as our community continues to navigate this unprecedented situation.
Educationally Yours,
Dr. Gary Dawson
Students who have chosen Option 2 (HRE), will pick up materials on September 2, 2020 between the hours of 8 and 4, or contact the school to set up an appointment. Please social distance, wear a mask, and limit the amount of family members entering the building to the student and one family member. Secondary students will follow their schedule and visit each classroom to receive materials. Elementary students will go to their homeroom to receive materials. Contact your building administrators with questions.
Here is the link to the special meeting for Monday.
Juniata County School District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Juniata County School District's Special Zoom Meeting to approve a school schedule change
Time: Aug 17, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 943 8109 6772
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Meeting ID: 943 8109 6772
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The Juniata County School District Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on Monday, August 17, beginning at 8:00 p.m. at the administration building, 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown.
Instructions for participating in the meeting virtually will be forthcoming.
The purpose of the meeting is to vote on a recommendation to adjust the 2020-2021 school year schedule.
Join PDE on August 11 for an informational webinar for families on the guidance provided to schools for reopening.
Hello JCSD Families! Please watch this video for more information regarding the opening of school.
Here is the document describing the descriptions:
Here is the form to complete:
Hello JCSD Families! Please watch this video for more information regarding the opening of school.
Here is the document describing the descriptions:
Here is the form to complete:
Below is the Health and Safety Plan for Reopening of JCSD Schools for the 2020-2021 School Year. More information will be forthcoming as we draw closer to the August start dates for teachers, staff, and students.
The link to the plan is at
Board agenda can be found here
The July 16, 2020 meeting of the Juniata County School District Board of Directors will be held at the administrative office building, 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown, beginning at 8:00 p.m. Those attending are encouraged to wear a mask and maintain a safe social distance. Interested individuals may also access the meeting virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 976 9318 3313
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 976 9318 3313
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The July 16 meeting will include a presentation by Superintendent Gary Dawson on academic program options to be offered for the 2020-2021 school year.
The Juniata County School District Health and Safety Plan - Phased Reopening Covid-19 Pandemic may be accessed as an attachment to the July 16, 2020 board meeting agenda.
Individuals who wish to make public comment are asked to notify Board Secretary Polly Digon at Individuals may also submit public comments in writing rather than in person by sending them to the Board Secretary.
JCSD Community,
Over the last few days several students have posted inappropriate comments and pictures to their social media accounts. The Juniata School District was both disappointed and concerned that our students would post this type of inappropriate and insensitive material. This action was certainly wrong and out of touch with the current outcry being displayed across our country. The district will continue to educate our students about the disparities and intolerance in our communities enabling them to hopefully make better decisions in the future.
Dr. Gary Dawson
Juniata County School District
Check out the app for the JCSD website!
JCSD will not be hosting a prom at EJHS or JHS this year due to guidance released by PDE on June 3, 2020.
Congratulations to the following retirees from JCSD! We wish you the best! From EJES - Ann Schierer and Sharon Shary; JES - Lori Lauver; EJHS - Rod Shoop; JHS - Suzanne Hummel and Mike Sperry; TJHS - Joan Bryner and Frank Swartz.
Have a great summer vacation!
JCSD Families,
As this challenging school year comes to an end, I would like to thank all of our students and families for their self-motivation and commitment to continuing with their school studies in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. The resolve of this community is real, and we will surely be stronger for the effort when looking back at these times. As we approach the closing of the school year, I would like to share some dates and information. First, I would like our seniors and their families to know we are planning graduation activities. We were hopeful the pandemic would come to an end or at least allow for traditional type graduation ceremonies. As we move forward, we are ever hopeful but are planning some other options as well. The details and dates are not yet available. We will be releasing this information in a future correspondence. We also understand the COVID 19 restrictions came on quickly and students left school with the intentions of returning this year. Since this was not the case, many left personal items at school. We will be opening the school buildings on May 27th from 8:00am to 3:00pm and again on May 28th from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Students will be allowed to enter the schools during the above listed times to recover personal items. We are also asking they return any school items they may have in their possession including books, iPad with charger, and any other items students may have taken home to complete school work. There will be specific instructions at each building covering how to pick up and drop off materials. We are asking families to limit the number of people entering the school building to the student and one guardian. In addition, we ask all to practice social distancing and wear masks while on school property. Final grades/report cards will be available for viewing on Sapphire June 2nd. Again, I would like to thank our students and families for their patience and hard work over these difficult weeks and wish each of you a safe and healthy summer.
Educationally Yours,
Dr. Gary Dawson
Updated 4/9/20 — 7:30 PM
Governor Wolf announced today that Pennsylvania schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. We were certainly hoping the schools would be able to reopen this year, but with this announcement, we must prepare to move forward. This means your teachers will continue to provide review and enrichment activities through virtual and other formats as we finish this year’s school calendar. Again we ask that if you are having difficulties receiving your assignments, please contact your school office.
ALL new student registrations can be completed at our District Office located at 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown, PA 17059 with Mrs. Polly Digon.