
On Saturday, May 7th, the annual May Day was held in the JHS auditorium. For those who don’t know, May Day is an opportunity for students to show off their talents-whether that be singing, dancing, or juggling- and a court is elected, from which a MayDay Queen will be crowned. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any jugglers, but we did have many amazing singers and dancers, as well as a wonderful court. This year’s showing was predominated by singers and musicians- Maison Wolfe, Chris Martin, Slone Smith, Josie Abram, Emma Hazard, Micah Fausey and our very own principal, Mr. Fausey, Valorie Fisher, Devahuti Calloway, Lexie Gilson, Noah Sheaffer, Ross Fogleman, Aidan Gardner, Sarah Fisher, and Peyton Sheaffer. This being said, there were several amazing dancers who made their appearance on the stage as well- Elizabeth Beward, Devahuti Calloway, Emma Hazard, Lily Hardin, and Lexi Gilson- with some even making a reappearance as they also chose to sing. All of the acts were absolutely amazing, and I’m not even saying that because I was a part of four of them.

As for our court this year, all of the elected underclassman representatives, the senior nominees, and all of the escorts looked amazing! Our freshman representative was Kirsten Krepps escorted by Vaughn Davis, the sophomore representative was Lexi Frontz escorted by Seth Laub, and the junior representative was Mariona Arrive escorted by Louden Sheaffer. Our senior nominees were as follows: Ashlyn Pannebaker escorted by Max Lauver, Emma Pannebaker escorted by Trent Martin, Emily Houtz escorted by Jacob Condo, Emma Hazard escorted by Jack Strawser, Presley Goodwin escorted by Josh Bomberger, and Navi Jackson escorted by Austin Derr. At the end of the evening it was announced that the 2022 May Day Queen at Juniata High School is Emma Hazard!

This year’s May Day was absolutely amazing from the performances to the court. It was an emotional experience for some of the seniors as graduation grows nearer and nearer, especially those who have done May Day all four years, and they will all be greatly missed. We hope to see you at next year’s May Day!

Slone Smith: Keyboard, Mason Wolfe: Guitar, Chris Martin: Drums 

Principal Ben Fausey and Micah Fausey  

Elizabeth Beward 

Center Stage: Ross Fogleman  Back up Dancers: Abena Brantuo, Emma Hazard, Valorie Fisher, Deva Calloway, and Josie Abram

Ross Fogleman 

Deva Calloway and Emma Hazard 

Josie Abram

Deva Calloway 

Josie Abram 

Josie Abram and Emma Hazard 

Deva Calloway and Valorie Fisher

Elizabeth Beward 

Deva Calloway 

Josie Abram and Noah Sheaffer