My Overall View of the Movie

Starting, I thought it was a 7/10 movie. It was shot well, everything had a nice dark feeling to it, and they put a lot of nice warm colors in the shot when it’s a stand-alone shot of either just Batman on a building or Batman with one or two other people. I thought the dialogue was pretty good, apart from there being a lot of mumbling. There were a few "woke" references that seemed just thrown in there for no reason, apart from people just telling Bruce Wayne he’s a bad rich guy who gives nothing to the citizens of Gotham. I would also say the acting of Robert Pattinson was very good for what the director gave him for Batman. I would also like to thank Teagan Trout, Caden Swailes, and Andrew Martinez for seeing the movie with me!


So the main theme of the movie is that this is when Bruce Wayne has been Batman for about 2 years. So he’s not the greatest at being Batman since he’s only been doing this for such a short time. The beginning of the movie starts with the Riddler killing a politician in an apartment. Then it leads to Batman fighting a group of criminals, and at the end of the fight, he tells the criminal, “I’m Vengeance.” This plays a very important role towards the end of the movie. After the fight, he goes with Jim Gordon to this crime scene, and it’s the crime scene of the politician, and the wounds show he was killed with multiple hits in the head. The Riddler then writes on his head (wrapped in duct tape). On the face, it reads, “ No More Lies.” Then he has a card that says, “To The Batman.” In the card is a riddle for Batman. Fast forward, the Riddler puts a bomb around another agent/politician's neck. He shows up during a funeral and has a phone and the Riddler FaceTimes Batman on the phone, and he’s wearing a mask that gave me the Silence of the Lamb look. They talk and during this, the bomb blows up, because the man doesn’t answer 3 riddles in time that relate to his scandals and lies. After this Batman teams up with Selina Kyle and is determined to capture the Riddler and Carmine Falcone for the murder of Selina’s friend. 

The Ending

So close to the ending of the movie, the Riddler is caught and thrown into prison. Batman goes to see the Riddler and finds out he’s planning an attack on Gotham. He tries to figure out what’s going to happen, and eventually, the attack happens, what happens is the Riddler places bomb trucks around Gotham and blows them up, and starts flooding water into Gotham. Before people know what’s happening, they’re having a rally for a new mayor election. The Riddler’s followers are watching this rally, and shoot up the place. Batman has to come in and save the people and fight off the followers. At the end of the fight, one of the followers tells Batman, “I’m vengeance.” This shows Batman that his being vengeance isn’t a good thing, so he goes down to the water and starts escorting the people to safety.