With Saint Patrick’s Day just last week, and the absolutely splendiferous shamrock shakes back at McDonalds, it’s a good time to introduce you to the Blarney Stone. According to legend, kissing the Blarney Stone bestows upon you the gift of eloquence. In other words, you’ll be smooth with the ladies or gents. Nobody is really certain of where the stone came from or why we believe in its powers of flattery, but we know it was set into a tower of the Blarney Castle in 1446 and ever since, it’s been one of the most popular and successful tourist attractions in Ireland. However, for its magic to work on you, you have to kiss it upside down. Make sure to bring a buddy with you to hold you steady while you hang over the edge… one guy wasn’t so lucky. Having greased his boots before attempting to kiss the slab of Carboniferous limestone, he fell to his death after his companion’s hands slipped. The things we do for love, am I right? Anyways, if you’re ever on a trip to Ireland, take a visit to the Blarney Castle and snog the marvelous rock. I know quite a few gentlemen that could really use the help…