
Well now that we’ve drunk our seven different coffees, it's time to head back to the art room! Last month, we were pleased to host this year's visiting artist Todd Tabb! Todd works at Hometown Pottery Studio in Lewiston, and he came to both Juniata and EJ to teach us all about the raku fire style of pottery. There are multiple different methods of raku, but we’re going to focus on what this year’s painting class learned about. This class learned about the sgraffito method; the process of making plates, glazing them with an under-glaze, and scratching away at it to make a design. Todd taught us how to make the plates, giving the student the choice of using a mold to make the plates, or learning how to throw one on the potter's wheel. After that, students got free reign to make whatever they wanted, and the results so far were fantastic! Todd comes back to JHS at the beginning of May, where we’ll all take a day to have a proper raku firing out in the courtyard, and make our creations come to life.

    If you want to learn more about Todd Tabb, raku firings, or you’re thinking about wanting to make a pot of your very own, you can find Todd on Instagram @hometownpotters. Make sure to check out his awesome creations, and maybe even stop by his studio and pick something up for yourself!