Every year the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) hosts an awareness campaign known as NEDAwarness Week. This year the event is taking place from February 21st to February 27th. The 2022 NEDAwarness Week theme is #See the Change #Be the Change. The first part of the theme (#See the Change) is in celebration of the 20 years of service NEDA has done for Americans struggling with eating disorders and body image issues. However, NEDA  does realize that there is still a lot of work to be done, especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic, hence the second part of the theme (#Be the Change). This year you can help “be the change” by raising awareness in your community and reaching out to friends and family members who may be dealing with these issues. You can help participate in  NEDAwareness Week this year simply by being aware of the reality of eating disorders and how they affect the daily lives of those who live with them. For more information on how to get involved, you can visit